@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+add_rules("mode.debug", "mode.release")
+ set_kind("binary")
+ add_files("src/*.c")
+-- If you want to known more usage about xmake, please see https://xmake.io
+-- ## FAQ
+-- You can enter the project directory firstly before building project.
+-- $ cd projectdir
+-- 1. How to build project?
+-- $ xmake
+-- 2. How to configure project?
+-- $ xmake f -p [macosx|linux|iphoneos ..] -a [x86_64|i386|arm64 ..] -m [debug|release]
+-- 3. Where is the build output directory?
+-- The default output directory is `./build` and you can configure the output directory.
+-- $ xmake f -o outputdir
+-- $ xmake
+-- 4. How to run and debug target after building project?
+-- $ xmake run [targetname]
+-- $ xmake run -d [targetname]
+-- 5. How to install target to the system directory or other output directory?
+-- $ xmake install
+-- $ xmake install -o installdir
+-- 6. Add some frequently-used compilation flags in xmake.lua
+-- @code
+-- -- add debug and release modes
+-- add_rules("mode.debug", "mode.release")
+-- -- add macro defination
+-- add_defines("NDEBUG", "_GNU_SOURCE=1")
+-- -- set warning all as error
+-- set_warnings("all", "error")
+-- -- set language: c99, c++11
+-- set_languages("c99", "c++11")
+-- -- set optimization: none, faster, fastest, smallest
+-- set_optimize("fastest")
+-- -- add include search directories
+-- add_includedirs("/usr/include", "/usr/local/include")
+-- -- add link libraries and search directories
+-- add_links("tbox")
+-- add_linkdirs("/usr/local/lib", "/usr/lib")
+-- -- add system link libraries
+-- add_syslinks("z", "pthread")
+-- -- add compilation and link flags
+-- add_cxflags("-stdnolib", "-fno-strict-aliasing")
+-- add_ldflags("-L/usr/local/lib", "-lpthread", {force = true})
+-- @endcode