@@ -485,20 +485,33 @@ sql_parser_tests = [
- ('drop table t1;', [{"type": "drop_stmt", "table_name": "t1"}]),
+ ("drop table t1;", [{"type": "drop_stmt", "table_name": "t1"}]),
+ (
+ "select * from tb1, tb2;",
+ [
+ {
+ "type": "select_stmt",
+ "select_cols": [{"type": "select_all_column"}],
+ "table_names": ["tb1", "tb2"],
+ "where": {},
+ }
+ ],
+ ),
sql_checker_tests = [
- ('drop table person;', True),
- ('create table person(name string, age int, classId int);', True),
- ('select age from person;', True),
- ('select * from person;', True),
- ('select gender from person;', 'column `"gender"` not exists in `person`'),
- ('select 123 from person;', True),
- ('drop table class;', True),
- ('create table class (id int, grade int, faculty string);', True),
- ('select * from class where grade = 2 and faculty = \'Computer Science\';', True),
- ('select * from class where grade = 2 and count=33;', 'column `"count"` not exists in `class`'),
+ ("drop table person;", True),
+ ("create table person(name string, age int, classId int);", True),
+ ("select age from person;", True),
+ ("select * from person;", True),
+ ("select gender from person;", 'column `gender` not exists in `person`'),
+ ("select 123 from person;", True),
+ ("drop table class;", True),
+ ("create table class (id int, grade int, faculty string);", True),
+ ("select * from class where grade = 2 and faculty = 'Computer Science';", True),
+ (
+ "select * from class where grade = 2 and count=33;",
+ 'column `count` not exists in `class`',
+ ),
+ ("select age, class.grade from class, person;", True),